Friday, March 2, 2012

Review of The Blessed and The Damned by Iced Earth *****

Some of the Best the Genre Has to Offer.
This album is great.  Get it!  It is one of the best packages metal has to offer.  Every song is classic!  I totally love the concept of how the songs were grouped where one disk is, “The Blessed,” and the other disk is, “The Damned.”  Naturally, a listener will gravitate toward one or the other.  I happen to like The Damned best mainly because it evokes happy emotions in me, while The Blessed seems more mysterious to me.  I like the lyrics when Iced Earth sings stuff like, “There is an angel watching over me, an angel guarding me.”
One thing it seemed my generation could not understand very well is that just because metal was often heavy, fast, using distortion, or was metal, that it had to be angry and evil.  People where looking for hidden messages in metal.  The Republican right wing outright condemned it, and sought about ways to bring about its demise.  Beneath this rubble of despicable contempt for metal, arose Iced Earth that proved that heavy metal didn’t have to be Christian or that metal was not necessarily the music of the devil.  If nothing else, a moral crusader probably wouldn’t make Iced Earth their first choice to try to snuff because in all reality, their music is PG.

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