Sunday, August 19, 2012

*** My Life by Bill Clinton (audiobook) - Some Contradictions and a Deplorable Delivery

Clinton paints a complex picture full of out of the box predicaments.  Much of it is lacking.  Clinton is not eager to forgive the Republicans, though he embraces humanity in its sinful nature, which is not a contradiction until Clinton adds that he does this in order to form a more perfect union.  Put 1 and 1 together and he might have well just say, “I, myself, am a sinner.  I don’t forgive sinners for the sake of unity.”
His delivery is charismatic, but also predictable in the same way as that of Martin Luther King.  Nearly every sentence starts with a low note, quickly rises and then trails to lower pitches, with occasional rises on the downward trail.  At one time, I fell asleep listening to this incessant pattern over and over.  A typical delivery of Clinton goes as follows (I made up the words), “I (low tone) found (middle tone) some (high) hope (high).  Then (middle), the Republicans (middle) attacked my character (low), and (middle) the hope (low) went away (lowest tone).”

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